Sport and leisure

For athletes exist various sporting activities, for examle jogging paths, „Trimm- Dich- Path” which starts at the Forest sport park (Waldsportpark). This stadium constructed in 1987 with greed and hard courts offers organised and spontanious sports. Since 2011 there´s also an artificial turf area.
The triplex gymnasium nearby Dr.- Wintrich- Secondary school constructed in 2004 is used for organized sport or courses.
Another attraction is the indoor swimmingpool. Here one can take part in water gymnastics, aquarobic, skin dive, diving and more. For bikers silent side roads exist and also some cycleways and the wonderful supra- regional cycle way “Isar- Inn” or “Sempt- Mangfall”.
Also a skater area behind the “Volksfesthalle” or the biker area next to the ski lift are on offer. Since summer 2011 one can use a beach volleyball area at the “Volksfestplatz” for free.
In winter, especially the Eglburger See offers a wonderful place for ice – skating or Bavarian curling. And when you are lucky and there is snow, you can also use the ski-lift in the Anzinger Siedlung or cross- country skiing around the Eglburger See. A fitness centre and a solarium or having a sauna finishes the various sports programs.